How-To Golf

event flyer
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Date(s) - 07/28/2021
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Categories No Categories

Learn How-to Golf at this interactive, networking event set for 5:30 pm Wednesday, July 28 at the Wheeler Road Golf Range, Auburn set up by LOGIC’s (Ladies Operating for Growth In Construction) How-to Committee.


At dates TBD, we will continue the How-to Golf lessons so LOGIC members can head to the golf course together to put their new skills to work!


COST: $10/person. Snacks, drinks & driving range fee included. You are not required to have your own clubs.


Reservations are required by emailing or online at


What is LOGIC? Associated Builders and Contractors Greater Michigan Chapter Women’s Peer Group represents the interests of women within the construction industry and assists with increasing the quality and availability to women that will promote a positive image to other women within and outside of the industry.

LOGIC’s vision is to: 1) Assist women who are presently in the industry though education, community, and networking, and 2) Provide a channel for women to enter the industry workforce.


Interested in joining LOGIC? Email Cathy at

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Bookings are closed for this event.