Associated Builders and Contractors Greater Michigan Chapter Appoints New Leadership to Board of Directors

Midland, January 26, 2021 – Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Greater Michigan Chapter announces new Board of Directors leadership for 2021.

The incoming officers are as follows:

Chairman – Shawn Pnacek, Great Lakes Bay Construction

Vice Chairman – Jon Lynch, Three Rivers Corporation

Secretary – Brian Stadler, Wolgast Corporation

Treasurer – Mike Laundra, Alloy Construction Service, Inc.

Immediate Past Chairman – Ken Misiewicz, Pleune Service Company

2021 Directors:

Erick Forshee, Fisher Companies

Glenn Hengesbach, Albin Hengesbach Carpentry & Custom Cabinets, Inc

Jason Johnson, J.E. Johnson

Jeff Kipfmiller, Answer Heating and Cooling

Dave Mollitor, Consolidated Electrical Contractors

Steve Russell, A/C Electric

Mike Tenniswood, American Plumbing

Noah Trombley, Bierlein-Trombley Electric

Kevin Wray, Valley Electrical Contractors

“I believe in the principles that Associated Builders and Contractors was founded, which promotes the merit shop philosophy of open competition and free enterprise. Working with member companies that share the vision of developing people and executing work safety is why I am excited to lead Associated Builders and Contractors Greater Michigan Chapter in 2021,” said Shawn Pnacek, 2021 chairman of the ABC Greater Michigan Chapter board of directors and president/CEO of Great Lakes Bay Construction Inc.

ABC Greater Michigan Chapter serves a membership spanning 23 counties providing craft and professional education, up-to-date industry communication, legislative representation, as well as affinity programs and packages. For more information, contact us at (989) 374-4600 or